ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

Items of interest

It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

  • Shane's Blog - March 2017

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    Finding the Needle in the Haystack

    Greetings and Salutations from Texas,

    I am sure most are familiar with the expression of “searching for the needle in the haystack”. This installment of the blog is going to help you find that elusive needle. The needle I am alluding to is “more sales” and “more customers”. Sales and customers not only drive business, but keep business in the business of being in business.

  • feb

    Shane's Blog - February 2017

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    Howdy from Texas where it is mid-February and we are having a false Spring,

    When it comes to computer and network security, I am down right paranoid. So much of our private information is stored across cloud server farms and on our metalcasting and home computers. Every hour we learn of another website that has been hacked. I thought I would devote this month’s blog to keeping your information as safe as can be.

  • Changes they are Afoot

    Shane's Blog - January 2017

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    Changes they are Afoot

    The orderly and peaceful transition of power is complete and metalcasters are now focused on what the new administration can do for the industry. No doubt at the top of the list is the OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, crystalline silica rule.

  • Shane's Blog - December 2016

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    Wishing You All the Best this time of Year! “Tis the Season”

    The curtain is about to drop on the year 2016 as I type out the final blog entry for the year. It has been a fantastic year for the SYNCHRO ERP Global team as many new software features have been added to the software which include:

    Ruby edition enhanced and streamlined menu, screen, and short cut access

    Enhanced UID, serial number, traceability and features

    Maintenance calendar for the equipment maintenance management module

    Expansion of the APP for the tablet with many new features

    Ability to quickly duplicate customer sales orders and purchase orders

    Addition of lag day processing to scheduling

    Shell tracking

  • Daddy

    Shane's Blog - November 2016

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    We’ve Got Your Twelve O’clock

    My late daddy was a bombardier on the RAF, Great Britain Royal Air Force, Lancaster bomber during WWII. Being a bombardier, he was upfront in the plane with his Norden bombsight being the bomb aimer to help liberate the world from the Axis powers. He was there on the “morning” of D-Day off the coast of France helping bombard the fortifications along the coast.

  • BRM

    Shane's Blog - October 2016

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    Making Sure You are in the Right Jungle

    Coveyism, borrowed from the late great Dr. Stephen R. Covey of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Principle Centered Leadership.

    If you want a clear understanding of the difference between management and leadership imagine the scene: someone going through the jungle with a machete cutting the undergrowth clearing it up. There are the producers down there, see, the workers. Here all the managers are, back here sharpening the machetes for them, putting on muscle development classes for machete wielders, setting up working schedules for machete wielders, handling jurisdictional disputes between machete wielders. The leader climbs the tallest tree in the jungle, surveys the entire scene, studies the larger picture and screams out “Wrong jungle” and all the managers shout back: Shut up we are making progress.1

    Through BRM and CRM, your metalcasting operations will always be making progress in the right jungle through improved communications and expanded relationships.

  • September 2016

    Shane's Blog - September 2016

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    Howdy once again from Texas where it’s blazing hot, so hot they are melting iron in the parking lot and the local pancake house is cooking eggs on the hoods of cars! What the heck, one wouldn’t expect anything else in Texas this time of the year other than lack of rain and excessive heat. Myself, I’ll take the heat over the cold anytime as we have chilled air in Texas!

    SYNCHRO ERP’s global implementation manager was recently flying from Seattle to Newark and I tracked the flight using the wonders of the Wild West Web. Sometimes we just need to sit back and reflect on all the wonders of what the internet has brought to us. Not that long ago, if one wanted a flight status; the only option was to call the airline. Today, with all of the interconnectivity of the “dots” everything is seemingly in real time.

  • August 2016

    Shane's Blog - August 2016

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    What a Wonderful World!

    Howdy from East Texas. Daniel Alcântara, our Training and Implementation Manager based out of the Brazilian office, were just discussing something and he mentioned “What a Wonderful World”. Now, I can’t get the most outstanding song by the legend Louis Armstrong out of my mind. So, that’s how the title of this BLOG came to be.

  • Steen Hall dorms

    Shane's Blog - July 2016

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    Howdy once again from Nacogdoches Texas where I’m on the 25th floor of the SYNCHRO ERP plaza. Actually, the tallest building around these parts are the Steen Hall dorms on the campus of Stephen F. Austin State University, SFASU, my alma mater at ten stories. Garner Tower was razed a number of years ago and at fourteen stories tall, was actually the tallest building between Houston and Interstate 20, spanning about two-hundred miles.

  •  Why Didn’t I Think About That?

    Shane's Blog - June 2016

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    Why Didn’t I Think About That?

    Howdy from East Texas where the weather is unusual to say the least. Here it is late May going into June and we have yet to cross 90f yet and as I type this, it is raining yet again and the temperature on the porch is a mild 66f. Yes, we Texans always like to talk about the weather because if you don’t like what it is now just wait an hour and it will be totally different.


  • POK


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