Sales and Purchasing
Sales and Purchasing enables Users to manage both Customer Sales Orders and Supplier Purchase Orders as well as their associated functionalities such as Customers and Supplier Management.
A useful and very popular feature within this menu is the Services which gathers any additional actions/items that are added to a Customer or a product outside of the internal foundry production processes. This could include Sub-contract processes, packaging, transportation, surcharges, etc. Where a 'Default Service' is applied to 'Customer' or a 'Customer Specific Product' then whenever the Customer orders the product the service charge will be applied automatically. When a different Customer orders the same product with no Default Service charge selected, the service charge will not be applied automatically but may be added manually.
Used correctly this feature will ensure that your Company never forgets to invoice for exceptional services.
Further functionality contained within this important tab includes Customer Returns, Pricing Management for global prices updates, Sales Reps management as well as Costing/Estimating which enables users to prepare a Cost for a product and feedback the output of the Costing back into SYNCHRO ERP where different scenarios can be planned for using different information from the SYNCHRO database.
Both Sales Orders and Purchase Orders use friendly wizards making the creation of data a smooth and controlled process and ensuring consistency of data.
Goods may be received in house as well as returned to the supplier whilst the Forward Planning presents Users with a complete and comprehensive review of every item purchased within SYNCHRO.
A powerful tool benefiting from all the ERP data to optimise your purchasing and cash flow.
For further information or demonstration contact:
Global +44 (0) 845-370-3232
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