Christmas around the world
Now Christmas looks different depending on where you are in the world. Here are a few different countries celebrate worldwide.
Photo tips
In the modern world technology is a key part of our day to day. I have pulled together some top tips to get the ideal festive photograph.
Christmas food!
A massive part of most peoples Christmas is food! The biggest feast of the year however you are then left eating Turkey sandwiches until New Year! I have pulled together a few ideas to help you get through those leftovers with as little waste as possible.
Let's talk resolutions
With the New Year fast approaching many are thinking about New Years resolutions. I have made a few steps to think about before deciding your New Years resolution and how to help you stick to them.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
Things You Can Do When It’s Too Cold Out.
Some days it is simply too cold and the last thing you want to do is leave the house. Here is a list of things to do at home!
Giving Back
During the festive season I tend to notice more than ever the divide of people who can afford a wonderful happy day and those who simple can’t make ends meet. Now this year has been slightly different with the cost-of-living crisis making everyone feel the pinch so I have pulled together a few ideas/ways you can give back this Christmas.
Self Care
As we all know December is busy. From Christmas markets to office parties, visiting family and prepping for the big day. I have listed my tips for self-care over the festive period to avoid a burn out!
Top Tips!
A big part of my Christmas prep is a big de-clutter. I don’t know about anyone else but I enjoy a big de-clutter and clean before I put up my Christmas tree in preparation of visitors and make space for new toys in the little one’s room. I have put together my tops tips to get your home Christmas ready!
Lets talk Christmas films ..
One of the things that make Christmas in our home is….CHRISTMAS FILMS! I have gathered together my favourite films and I have thrown a couple of new 2022 films for us all to try together!
Advent Ideas
Christmas is a time for traditions. Most begin the festive season with an advent calendar. These vary from household to household so I have rounded up 5 different advent calendars if you fancy mixing things up from the most common chocolate advent calendar!