ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Top Tips!

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A big part of my Christmas prep is a big de-clutter. I don’t know about anyone else but I enjoy a big de-clutter and clean before I put up my Christmas tree in preparation of visitors and make space for new toys in the little one’s room. I have put together my tops tips to get your home Christmas ready!

1.       BE RUTHLESS

It is very easy to fall into the temptation to keep things in the hope you might use it one day. I sort everything into four piles; rubbish, donate keep but can be stored away (shed, loft, storage unit) and keep.


2.       KITCHEN

Christmas is a time for eating! Most people already have/will be starting to stock up. I always remember having foods/drinks in my childhood home that couldn’t be touched until Christmas day!

I tend to start with my freezer clear out any foods (again being ruthless) that 100% will not be used and anything that has been kept longer than three months. I then move onto the fridge with the same motivation. Once this is completed, I store what I can in tubs/containers to assure I have as much space available as possible. At this point you really are in the flow of getting the kitchen sorted so cupboards are next. I check all my food items in the cupboards with the same rule as the fridge and freezer. I also find it helpful to write a shopping list as I go so, I can ensure nothing is brought twice. Personally, my cleaning cupboard is in the kitchen so I also like to go through this and check if we are running low on anything to add to my shopping list. Christmas is a day to relax and enjoy however mess happens and I find it easier to be prepared and stay on top of the mess as I go.


3.       LIVING ROOM

For me this is the coziest part of my home at Christmas so before I put up my tree, I like to pull all of the furniture out and give it a deep clean. Dust, sofa clean, carpet clean, wipe down skirting boards and radiators. I also have a little re-arrange to make room for my tree and space to display Christmas cards and ensure there is space for other bits of Christmas décor.


4.       BEDROOMS

Again, these are deep cleaned all bedding is fresh on and all washing etc is put away. For the little ones room we go through and donate some toys to boys and girls who may not get much for Christmas, this is a key part of our Christmas routine because it not only teaches him to be considerate and grateful for the wonderful things he gets but also makes room for any new toys coming his way!


5.       BATHROOM

With a stream of guests coming and going over the festive period I ensure my bathroom is clean and restocked. I buy extra toilet roll and make sure there’s spare towels clean and ready to go.


Finally, I prepare a Christmas Day Box! This has made everything so much easier for me. Usually it contains; two bin bags (for wrapping paper and rubbish for an easy transition into enjoying the gifts without being surrounded by rubbish), scissors (some things just like to make it hard to get into them and with an impatient 5yr old who is very excited speed is key), variety of batteries (nothing worse than a gift that needs batteries and not being able to use it until the shops open again), pen and pad (much easier to remember who has kindly gifted you something making thank you notes/messages much easier and no one gets missed in the excitement).


Hope my tips come in handy!



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