ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Shane's Blog - October 2016


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Making Sure You are in the Right Jungle

Coveyism, borrowed from the late great Dr. Stephen R. Covey of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Principle Centered Leadership.

If you want a clear understanding of the difference between management and leadership imagine the scene: someone going through the jungle with a machete cutting the undergrowth clearing it up. There are the producers down there, see, the workers. Here all the managers are, back here sharpening the machetes for them, putting on muscle development classes for machete wielders, setting up working schedules for machete wielders, handling jurisdictional disputes between machete wielders. The leader climbs the tallest tree in the jungle, surveys the entire scene, studies the larger picture and screams out “Wrong jungle” and all the managers shout back: Shut up we are making progress.1

Through BRM and CRM, your metalcasting operations will always be making progress in the right jungle through improved communications and expanded relationships.

SYNCHRO ERP will soon be making available to its ever expanding customer base a new set of software solutions known as BRM and CRM.  The software is currently in beta testing at a number of global customer locations.  This solution is not just an additional module, but is actually a separate software solution within the SYNCHRO ERP suite of modules.

BRM – Business Relationship Management focuses on the internal relationships within the metalcasting facility between the key stakeholders of C-Level management, financials, sales, customer support, manufacturing, and so on.

CRM – Customer Relationship Management focuses on the external relationships between the metalcasting facility and your end customers as well as suppliers.  CRM also encompasses sales opportunities!

The key difference between BRM and CRM is that BRM is focused internally and CRM is focused externally on improving relationships.  Relationships are improved, tracked, and monitored so that quality can be enhanced, communications improved, operations streamlined, the avoidance of duplication of efforts, and increased profitability.  A central hallmark of both approaches is the ability, through the use of metrics, to be able to analyze trends and increase opportunities.

My take on BRM and CRM is from the sales angle of being able to expand the circle of influence and taking advantage of the six degrees of separation.  As your organization expands the circle of influence through increased contacts and relationships, the sales opportunities expand greatly.  This is the “old boy” business on-the-golf-course network being tracked and expanded through modern computer software.  Additionally, the theory of the six degrees of separation comes into play by being able to tap into that phenomenon in that everyone on the earth is somehow connected to each other through six other people.  I am simply just six steps away from being connected to the president of Mongolia.  I have a friend that lives in Australia1 that has a friend that lives in Russia2 that has a friend that lives in Canada3 who also has a friend on Christmas Island4 who has a friend in Mongolia5 that actually works for the President of Mongolia6.

Social media is a prime example of this in action, and actually has reduced the contacts to four, as I am connected to my inner circle directly, but indirectly I am connected to a vast array of outer circle friends that I have little or no knowledge of and will probably never meet as they live in Outer Mongolia.

However, this “relationship” can be tapped into through the use of BRM and especially CRM. 

Stay tuned for more exciting details on tapping into relationships to improve communications and expand your opportunities through satisfied customers, staff, employees, and most of all improved sales!

Until next time, I will see you on down the road…

 Shane Allen

Head of SYNCHRO ERP NA Operations


  1. Covey, S. R. (2004). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic ([Rev. ed.].). New York: Free Press.
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