ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Legend of Thanksgiving

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When the first metalcasters arrived in the new world, what would one day become the thirteen colonies and ultimately the United States of America, they landed in Plymouth.

Upon stepping ashore, they stepped upon what would be known, and still exists today, as Plymouth Rock.  Legend has it that the Native Americans greeted the metalcasters and helped them survive the first year.  Of course, the original metalcasters were actually known as the Pilgrims and established the Plymouth Colony.  As metalcasting was already a well-established trade in the “old world”, the skills more than likely traversed the ocean upon the Mayflower with the settlers.


The first year was brutal and with the help of the Native Americans, the metalcasters were able to survive and prosper.  To celebrate a bountiful harvest and having survived the treacherous ordeal, a Thanksgiving feast was in order.    


The giving of thanks continues to this day, on the fourth Thursday in November.  For me, Thanksgiving is a time of reflection from yonder years of what I give thanks for.   It is so easy to overlook and take for granted the most important things to be thankful for.    As I grow older, my Thanksgiving takes on new meanings and I am thankful for the basics and the things that matter most.


Until next time, see you on down the road and above all, be safe.


Shane Allen

Head of SYNCHRO ERP North American Operations



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