Foundry Congress Mexico 2016 - Read Our Review
The city of Querétaro is a great city that mixes culture, history and business. A commercial center of over half a million inhabitants, it lies at the junction of two major interstate highways, routes 57 and 45. Located only two and a half hours from Mexico City (220 km), Querétaro has become a satellite of sorts for the capital.
Several large manufacturing plants have relocated to the city’s outskirts, and thousands of businessmen commute daily between the two cities. The local economy consists of agriculture, raising livestock and manufacturing. It is also a major center for amethyst, opal and topaz cutting. The mines in Querétaro are famous for the world-class opal, but topaz is also mined here, its mining industry also produces mercury, zinc and lead.
This was our 3rd consecutive year attending the Mexican Foundry congress. SYNCHRO ERP were Silver Sponsors of the Congress all the delegates were provided with our lovely orange lanyards and the Spanish version of our brochure cards.
Next year’s congress has already been scheduled for the 15th June 2017 as always at the Holiday Inn Diamante, Querétaro.
With a good number of speakers and delegates it was nice to bump into one of the managing directors of Tupy SA, I found out he actually comes from a city 70 KM from where I live in Minas Gerais, Brazil, you never realize how small the world can be until you leave your hometown!
A great opportunity as usual to meet new people, new nationalities, new ideas, that’s the best thing when you are on the road.
Daniel Alcântara
Training & Implementation Manager
Foundry Congress 2016 video
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Three Peaks Challenge!
So I will start with a little background. My younger sister Ellie has been very interested in basketball since she was five years old. At six she was signed up to a local basketball club, Redditch Basketball, run by Dave Bradshaw in our local area, he accepted Ellie joining the team however she was much younger and smaller than anyone else. This didn’t stop Ellie she worked hard and attended many training sessions and games, to begin with she may only have played a few minutes when it came to match days, as you can imagine as a little female six year old she was playing with older boys who towered over her. But it didn’t take long before basketball became much more than fun. ..