Snap decision one Thursday to drive to see Cartagena in Murcia which is south eastern Spain. As ever sat nav utterly accurate – 4 hours to do 405km. Great drive around Granada and up into the wooded hills on very quiet roads. Scenery changes and the Land and hills become very dry with little vegetation. Murcia is a very dry part of Spain.
Run Forrest, run!
Since I started running I’ve added some targets…. 5Km (Done), 10km (Done), 15 Km(Done), 18 Km (Done). The next step was quite challenging, especially when you travel a lot and need to do extra effort to keep the training routine.
Happy July 4th!
Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States on July 4, 1776.
GIFA'19 - Over now for another 4 years!
SYNCHRO ERP at GIFA 2019 – Visit Us at Hall 13 Booth #E57
Starts today!
It is 5 action packed days…exciting and productive
KIVA – Loans that change lives
As many of our readers are already aware, we have been supporting people through Kiva for a number of years now and we wanted to share the latest loan we have supported …
Bee Pollen
The local village is well known for its honey production – it even has a small museum dedicated to bees.
Hotel Welcome
How nice it is to walk into your new hotel room and see this?
First of the Season
Vegetable growing last year was a little bit difficult when we lost the water supply for about 6 weeks at the point where all the vegetables hit their growing peak.
Smart Homes & Beyond ..
Anyone who knows me even slightly, knows I am at heart, a massive Gadget geek, and I have been since a small boy, the relentless march of technology has seen some wonderful advancements in areas that make our lives easier and I know that the Younger generation take these for granted..(My Neighbours daughter actually asked what a Camera was the other day…we had to explain that they are separate items, not just attached to Mobile phones & iPads.)