Bee Pollen
There is a local bee keeper and he looks after 500 hives that are in different locations around the village and the hills.
A ‘by product’ of this is bee pollen. When the bees forage for pollen they store it in baskets on their legs. If you look at a bee on a flower you can often see the baskets as they are brightly colored reflecting the flowers where the bees have been. Bee pollen is made up of sugars, protein minerals and vitamins. It is sometimes called ambrosia.
When they return to their hives some of the pollen baskets can be knocked off their legs and they gather at the bottom of the hives.
The bee keeper gathers the pollen balls and he sells jars of them as they are considered nutritional.
Iv'e got a jar to eat now!
Richard Nolan
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Shane's Blog - March 2016
March 2016 BLOG Entry
Greetings and salutations from SYNCHRO ERP! -
A Spanish Galleon
Reading the local English paper, they had a picture of a replica Spanish Galleon that would be moored in Malaga harbour. So, Sunday morning with fine weather off we go down the old mountain road to Malaga.