ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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First of the Season

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Vegetable growing last year was a little bit difficult when we lost the water supply for about 6 weeks at the point where all the vegetables hit their growing peak.

This year we will have a different story. We have water – a new pipe installed and the weather has been great for growing.  All the growing beds are now on new/repaired irrigation systems with timers and apart from the weeding and tying plants, staking them and other things its all done!!

So this morning I harvested the first vegetable of the season

A courgette – or Calabacin – has been picked and will become soup.

What we have growing:- 

Okra ( ladies fingers – which are great in curries if ready). It’s the same word in Spanish

Cebolla blanca – white onions

Cebolla tinto – red onion

Puerros – leeks

Tomate – guess!

Remolacha – beetroot

Berenjena – Aubergines. There is a starter dish in Spain where slices are deep fried in batter and served with Maple syrup ( too sweet for me but have to try)

Pepino – Peppers. There are many varieties and colours. Big small and hot or not

Zanahoria – carrots

Calabaza – Butternut squash

Judia – Beans                  

Guisantes – peas

Brocoli – 2nd guess

So it looks like a bumper crop could be on its way.  I enjoy the growing and watching what nature can do – and how quickly it can happen.

Richard Nolan


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