ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

Cast Metal Diecasting Times September 2015

Maintenance Module Screen

Posted on in Editorials
SYNCHRO ERP - Planned Maintenance Module

Planned Maintenance Module
The equipment maintenance module is a fully functioning planned maintenance module, with links into the existing Synchro ERP modules to give added functionality, not available in standalone planned maintenance systems.The module has been designed to log all equipment at a facility and track its usage to facilitate and monitor both its planned maintenance and any breakdown maintenance that may be required. This process is also assisted with the option to create maintenance requests.
The module also can be used as a calibration database for inspection equipment such as Vernier callipers, height gauges, pressure gauges etc. Maintenance planning is very user-friendly and intuitive. It can be performed based on time, production time or production quantity. For each plan, there is the facility to prepare a detailed step-by-step of  work to be carried out in order to maintain or repair the plant. Using the correct lubricants or spare parts are  critical to  maintaining  the plant in good order, so Synchro will only let approved materials be used. Additionally, health and safety is   a major factor when planning maintenance, so Synchro will again  only let customers plan for approved maintenance employees to carry out the work.
Synchro ERP enables the users to attach pictures of the plant, the work to be carried and how to do it. Not only that but also videos so that customers never have to forget again how to do the job. This area of the system is also excellent to  attach machine manuals, which  are mostly available  in PDF form from plant suppliers.  Simply let engineers print the page they need on the shop floor. No longer will manuals be seen in pieces or with pages missing, as well as with finger marks all over them.

With the 80/20 percent rule applying for  most  businesses (where 80% of breakdowns arise from 20% of causes), it makes sense to record any breakdown into the software because  if  it happens again,    foundries  can quickly find out what actions were taken in the past or if it happened at all.

Foundry equipment is very expensive and needs to be maintained regularly.
While carrying out repairs and maintenance, costs can  be calculated to   understand just how much it takes to maintain a particular item of equipment. Balance this cost against the potential cost of new equipment and the user is in a position to make a   well-informed decision for   the business, thus saving money in the long-term.
By Jean Marie Darchicourt
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