ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

Our latest team member (on the left)

Posted on in Blog
I would like to say a hello to everybody. As the newest member of the team it’s great to be finally on board. I’d better explain that ...

I have been working with Synchro for many years now, I’m not saying how many, first as a Synchro customer and user in a UK foundry and more recently as the Synchro representative in Brazil responsible for ALL things Synchro, installations, training, technical support, report writing.
I moved to Brazil for family reasons, a lovely Brazilian wife and children, grown up ones now, and have enjoyed my life here tremendously ever since. It’s not all Samba, sunshine and exotic beaches, well maybe some of it but not all of it. More of that in future blogs.

I shall mainly be on the support desk which for me will be somewhat strange as I am so used to doing that in Portuguese for my Brazilian customers and now I will have to do it in English as well.

So be kind to me when I answer the phone. I look forward very much to speaking to whomever may call.

Kevin Lenton

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