ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Artistic Umbrellas

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It was a weekend car rally in the village so had the choice of listening to the cars for two days as they race up and down the old road to Malaga or go for Sunday lunch.

We decided we would go to Torrox which is just inland from the coast – about 70km away.  So there were 7 of us for lunch.  Quite often restaurants are located around a square in the towns and villages and in the height of the summer they draw blinds across so you don’t sit in direct sunlight.

In Torrox they use umbrellas which are hung up all through the summer creating the shade – it is a kaleidoscope of colours that will move with the breeze.  In one part of the square they have water pipes set into the ground which go off at different heights and times – children and adults can get soaked but it is good fun.

Lunch was good and a very pleasant afternoon enjoyed by all. 

The Car rally had finished by the time I got home – peace and quiet!

Richard Nolan

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