ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

What’s your favorite mode of transport?

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Ask this question and inevitably most of you will think of cars first. And there are some cracking dream cars about. More about this in another blog....

As part of the Synchro Implementation team you might then think I would say airplanes and while I’ve not tried them all the Airbus A380 must rate as a serious contender. It’s certainly my favourite airplane.


But what about lorries, tractors, buses, trains, boats and ships (motor or wind powered), helicopters, air balloons, jet skis, etc.


Also, the more exclusive ones like funiculars, skiing, snowboarding, etc all making the experience the journey itself in typically amazing surroundings.


Or most natural ones such as animals. Horses, camels, elephants, etc.


Mankind has invented literally hundreds if not thousands of ways of going from A to B.


So, my choice? Well I recently had the opportunity to fly on a seaplane. Now I’d say that’s quite a rare opportunity even by today’s standards. Look below. Look closely and you should also spot the number 2 from my list.


I would love to add the hot air balloon to my list. Maybe one day.


Let us know your favourite and wildest trips in return...

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    I got to do some Christmas shopping and while there we visited Shere, a small village not far from Guildford.


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