ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

Items of interest

It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

  • Covid - 19 in Brazil

    Posted on in Blog

    There are lots of statistics out there, country by country, that look at how we are all coping, or not, with this current pandemic. I say current as it is not the first this world has faced and most certainly will not be the last.

  • A new normal at the airport

    Posted on in Blog

    I traveled through London Gatwick airport for the first time recently. I realized that the number of flights have been reduced due to COVID-19 but, I had not realized quite how different the airport travel experience would be.

  • How not to buy a pair of shoes - UPDATE

    Posted on in Blog

    My blog on 31st August showed how mistakes can be made.

  • How not to buy a pair of shoes!

    Posted on in Blog

    A few weeks ago on a trip down the coast for my food shop I stopped to buy a pair of shoes.

  • Covid-19 in South Africa

    Posted on in Blog

    The outbreak of Covid-19 has raised great concern for the African continent due to the continent’s relatively weak health systems compared to Europe and the Global North, and the wide expanse of areas on the continent with no health services or systems in place.

  • Run away Timmy!

    Posted on in Blog

    A couple of friends will be going away on holiday shortly and they asked me if I could look after their dog – Timmy.

  • Goat Man, Mouse man, Cat Man and now….Snake Man!

    Posted on in Blog

    I have written a few blogs over a period of time, you may recall I had returned a young goat to its owner, trapped and released a mouse and rescued a very small kitten.

  • Curve Ball!

    Posted on in Blog

    Well amid all the current craziness that we are all experiencing I want to just write a little bit about normal life and how it can throw you a ‘curve ball’ at any time.

  • Spring Garden

    Posted on in Blog

    As we have been unable to visit other places, my garden has been a very big part of my outside time.

  • Enhancement to 'Furnace Recipe Optimization'

    Posted on in NEWS

    We have just completed an upgrade to our ‘Furnace Recipe Optimization’ module that makes it even easier to use than before.


  • POK


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