ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Spring Garden

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As we have been unable to visit other places, my garden has been a very big part of my outside time.

Luckily, the spring weather has been very good. 

I took a few photographs in my garden to cheer myself up and thought I would share a few of them. 

The tulips have finished now but, various other items are bursting into bud.  

The apple and pear trees have been covered in blossom, so they are filling me with optimism for a bumper crop in the coming months. 

My clematis plant had grown so heavy it pulled over the almond tree it was growing through a few years ago!  I have left it, as the tree was beyond  saving, and the flowers on the clematis are a treat in early Spring.

Hoping for a long, warm and sunny summer.


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