ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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A new normal at the airport

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I traveled through London Gatwick airport for the first time recently. I realized that the number of flights have been reduced due to COVID-19 but, I had not realized quite how different the airport travel experience would be.

Gatwick is usually buzzing, but, the place was very nearly empty.   With no flights at all using South Terminal and a very restricted numbers leaving or arriving at North Terminal.  Face masks must be worn at all times in the airport and on the airplane. 

Only a very few shops, cafe and bars were open flight side of the airport and none before you pass through the baggage check area.  The loading of the plane was well organised, loading from the back of the plane in row order.  No duty free sales and a restricted menu on offer, during the flight.  There seemed to be none of the usual moving around on the plane.  Very few people seemed to use the toilets.

The flight was only about half full, this meant more space on the plane.   Which was more comfortable for me as the passenger.  But there is the added concern that the carriers will be unable to continue to fly with the limited numbers of passengers.  Thereby restricting further flight options. 

I must say, this new normal will take some getting used to.


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    WEBINAR - Financial Linkages (Concluded)

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    Interesting to watch the runway disappear and the green fields of Sussex get smaller as we took off towards the west. We then turned right and headed out east on the 6.5-hour flight. Distance is around 5,500 km.


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