South African Metal Casting Conference March 2017
The 2017 South Africa Metal Casting Conference held from the 13th to 17th March 2017 incorporated the 7th International BRICS Foundry Forum, as well as the WFO General Assembly, and SYNCHRO ERP was present to meet old and make some new friends at this important event.
Shane's Blog - March 2017
Finding the Needle in the Haystack
Greetings and Salutations from Texas,
I am sure most are familiar with the expression of “searching for the needle in the haystack”. This installment of the blog is going to help you find that elusive needle. The needle I am alluding to is “more sales” and “more customers”. Sales and customers not only drive business, but keep business in the business of being in business. -
2017 Annual Leonard P. Rigamonti Memorial Scholorship/Endowment Fundraiser
2017 Annual Leonard P. Rigamonti Memorial Scholorship/Endowment Fundraiser
SYNCHRO ERP Proud Bronze Sponsors
March 31st 2017 -
FESA Council Meeting Feb 2017
Stephen Hill, Managing Director of Inductotherm Europe and previous FESA President hosted last month’s council meeting at Inductotherm their European facility is based in Droitwich, Worcestershire. Held at 1pm on the 28th February a working lunch provided to all council members’ along with plenty of tea & coffee gratis of Steve Hill, mighty nice it was too.
WEBINAR - Business and Customer Relationship Management Part 2 - Email (Concluded)
Part two of a four part series exploring the email features within the new SYNCHRO software offering - BRM (Business Relationship Management). .
South African Institute of Foundrymen SAIF Presentation 2017
On Tuesday 28 February 2017 Jean-Marie Darchicourt, Partnership/Agent Liaison Manager and Max Morgan, SYNCHRO’S South African Partner agent, attended the monthly meeting of the South African Institute of Foundrymen (SAIF) at the Reading country club in Alberton. John Davies SAIF’s CEO had asked SYNCHRO ERP to demonstrate the benefits of software integration and a foundry specific ERP to local foundrymen.
WEBINAR - Business and Customer Relationship Management Part 1 - Foundation (Concluded)
The SYNCHRO ERP Business Relationship Management Facility (BRM) is a comprehensive software programme available within SYNCHRO ERP. It manages all your relationships and interactions within the Business and helps you stay connected to your team, streamline processes, internal communications and, ultimately, improves profitability, efficiency and quality of service.
Shane's Blog - February 2017
Howdy from Texas where it is mid-February and we are having a false Spring,
When it comes to computer and network security, I am down right paranoid. So much of our private information is stored across cloud server farms and on our metalcasting and home computers. Every hour we learn of another website that has been hacked. I thought I would devote this month’s blog to keeping your information as safe as can be. -
Upbeat AFS Texas Meeting
Howdy from Texas,
I’m just back from the January 2017 AFS, American Foundry Society, meeting at the Sam Houston Horse Race Track; in Houston, none the less!
It is always so good to catch up with fellow metalcasters that embody the spirit of the AFS and continue the long historical legacy of turning liquid metal into castings! The turnout for the board and general meeting was better than expected and in the end, it turned out to be a large crowd of approximately seventy members.
Editorial Foundry Trade Journal January/February 2017
SYNCHRO ERP is embarking on a technical scrap reduction study and associated cost analysis with a large USA customer. This article is the first in a multi-part series in which we will define, control, analyse, and publish the results. We welcome your input into this study; please contact Synchro ERP - sales@synchroerp.com if you wish to contribute.