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Upbeat AFS Texas Meeting

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Howdy from Texas,

I’m just back from the January 2017 AFS, American Foundry Society, meeting at the Sam Houston Horse Race Track; in Houston, none the less!

It is always so good to catch up with fellow metalcasters that embody the spirit of the AFS and continue the long historical legacy of turning liquid metal into castings! The turnout for the board and general meeting was better than expected and in the end, it turned out to be a large crowd of approximately seventy members.

The board meeting focused on the chapter and the big exciting news was the number of college – university - scholarships that were awarded in 2016.  I may stand corrected, but I believe the number was ten.  Education and scholarships are the bedrock reason behind the chapter’s purpose. 


Perhaps the most exciting and welcome news coming out of the gathering is that the industry appears to be on the rebound with orders for castings up and of course the suppliers are selling more of their wares.  Everyone is waiting with baited breath on how the new administration under President Donald J. Trump will respond to the new crystalline silica standards that are due to be fully implemented by June 23, 2018.  For more information on the new standards, please visit

This was the most upbeat meeting that I have attended in a long time and supersedes all the “down and out last count” mentality and fear that had been pervading through prior gatherings.   Suffice to say, the metalcasting industry in Texas is looking to the new administration for many good things.

 A short presentation was made by Bryan Wallace of Houston Sand and Gravel Company during the dinner regarding a proprietary process being investigated to make good environmental use of spent sand within foundries.  The specifics of this are closely held at this time and metalcasters in the Houston area are being recruited to participate in this trial.   

The dinner of beef, chicken, salad, mashed potatoes, green beans and of course the famous CHEESE CAKE was up to the high standards of the race park.

I took several pictures that will be available on the AFS Texas website at  Additionally, I also posted three live videos along with photos to the AFS Texas Facebook page.  Be sure to like and follow us at

Overall, a great time was had by all as this was a very informative and positive meeting.  The next meeting will be the AFS Texas Golf Tournament in Corsicana on March 31st 2017.  This is the big yearly fund raiser for the chapter educational scholarships.  Sponsorships are encouraged!  For more details, please visit

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On a final note, be sure to sign up on the AFS Texas webpage for email updates at

Until next time, see you on down the road in Corsicana Texas, about fifty miles south of Dallas and two hundred miles north of Houston. 

Shane Allen

Head of SYNCHRO ERP North American Operations

AFS Texas Board Member Term Expires 2017 

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