ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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South African Metal Casting Conference March 2017

South African Metal Casting Conference 2017

Posted on in Past Exhibitions
The 2017 South Africa Metal Casting Conference held from the 13th to 17th March 2017 incorporated the 7th International BRICS Foundry Forum, as well as the WFO General Assembly, and SYNCHRO ERP was present to meet old and make some new friends at this important event.

Held at the Emperor’s Palace in Johannesburg, the venues were well staged and attended by a wide section of the Foundry world. Max, the South African Partner/Agent for SYNCHRO ERP was in attendance with Jean-Marie Darchicourt ,  SYNCHRO ERP’s Partnership/Agent Liaison Manager. We had a wonderfully designed booth and were on hand to answer any questions from prospective Customers or simply curious visitors seeing our Software for the first time.

We received a lot of positive feedback about SYNCHRO ERP products during the conference and we will be following up on these over the coming weeks.

Overall the mood during the events was good and positive with Foundries looking forward to a challenging yet exciting future. Interestingly training and skills for foundries took centre stage during presentations and workshops at the conference.

We are most grateful for a well-staged great event and we also thank Mr John Davies’s team in making us all feel so welcome and  well looked after. John has decided to take a well-earned rest and pass on his responsibilities to a new Chairman so we wish him a long and happy retirement and his successor all the very best for the future.

Many thanks from the SYNCHRO ERP Team


 Emperor’s Palace - Johannesburg.

Jean-Marie Darchicourt  was in attendance with Our South African Partner/Agent for SYNCHRO ERP - Max Morgan.

Jean Marie and Zhang Libo Standing Vice president of China Foundry association and Thomas Gao Deputy Secretary General of China Foundry Association.

Presentation from John Davies.

Max Morgan with the editor of Castings SA - Bruce Crawford.

Jean Marie with Henriette Badenhorst from Scaw Metals Group 

South African Metal Casting Conference March 2017 - Presentation


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