ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

Items of interest

It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

  • Looking Ahead

    Posted on in Blog

    Please allow me to be the “last” person to welcome you to 2018. A new year full of vast opportunities in the liquid metal industry.

  • The life of a travelling man does not always run smooth........

    Posted on in Blog

    When sitting in a hotel waiting to fly you just never know what you are in for as is so easily illustrated by the email I received at 10pm on a nice Saturday evening while waiting to fly from London’s Heathrow airport (yes London does have nice weather sometimes)

  • Delivery of an Interesting Christmas Present

    Posted on in Blog

    In December 2016 I was asked to help deliver a surprise package as a Christmas present.

    This involved:

    45 Minute plane flight

    150 Mile drive in the UK

    24 hours on a ferry (500 miles)

    600 mile journey through Spain – North to South

  • Elf on the shelf 2017

    Posted on in Blog

    It’s that time of year again at Support manager and Social media manger Lee & Victoria’s house!

  • TK7501, Arent you a little short to be Stormtrooper?!

    Posted on in Blog

    As some of you are already aware, I am a huge Star Wars fan, and still remember loading up the VCR back in the very early 80’s and watching Star Wars ‘A New Hope’ for the very first time.. and just sitting in awe throughout cheering on the brave and noble efforts of Luke, Leia, Han & Chewie (even our Dog is named Chewie) and thinking how great the starships and stormtroopers looked. Back then, I always wanted to be either a Jedi, or have a suit of Stormtrooper armour..

  • Legend of Thanksgiving

    Posted on in Blog

    When the first metalcasters arrived in the new world, what would one day become the thirteen colonies and ultimately the United States of America, they landed in Plymouth.

  • Main Stream

    Posted on in Blog

    Metalcasting has its origins traced back over five-thousand years. I have serious doubts that even the most enlightened and envisioned metalcaster of lore could even fathom what today’s metalcasting is all about.

  • Where Investment Casters Meet: ICI 2017

    Posted on in Past Exhibitions

    Investment casters spanning the globe recently crossed paths on the banks of the Ohio River in the fair city of Covington Kentucky USA for the 2017 edition of the 64th Technical Conference and Equipment Exposition.

  • Melt Deck and the Lab

    Posted on in Blog

    Shane Allen & His Buddy Wyatt Earp, a Min-Pin

    I am coming to you today from the melt deck as I adjust the metallurgical specifications using the new LCM module, Least Cost Mix...

  • Searching…

    Posted on in Blog

    A big Texas Howdy to all of you fellow metalcasters,

    I am pleased to report that I have weathered the hurricanes without issue!


  • POK


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