Elf on the shelf 2017
That’s right those pesky elves are back!
Sparkly & Toggle arrived in the tree and have been up to all sorts already!
Firstly, they gave the children a Nutcracker as they only had one and didn’t want him to be lonely!
Then Toggle wrapped sparkle up in tissue and thought it was funny!
Let’s hope they aren’t too naughty this year – On the plus side the children are behaving impeccably as they are being watched by their elves!
Keep watching to see what else they get up too …
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Synchro ERP at GIFA 2019 Hall 15 Booth E57
Synchro ERP at GIFA 2019
Hall 13 Booth stand #E57 -
The 11th hour of the 11th Day
I suppose I am showing my age but I can remember watching the ceremony in Whitehall on the BBC from the age of about 8. My grandfather and Uncle both served in the first world war and I have been lucky to meet and speak to people who served in that conflict and the one that followed.