Drinking like a pro
On my way to Philippines I had a connection in Tokyo Narita, the airport is amazing but a small detail caught my attention....
Superstitions ...
A superstition (to which I do not subscribe, mostly), A series of frightening films (which I have never seen, or want to) or simply a bad day…..
Vinuela is a municipality in Southern Spain – not too far from Malaga.
Apart from the scenery the area is dominated by a large man made reservoir known as Lake Vinuela. I believe it was made about 50 years ago by damming local rivers.
The little lost goat
One Sunday morning I was in the garden weeding. It has been a lot wetter in Spain in 2018 and the weeds grow profusely when it starts to warm up.
Facing a fear
I have always had a great fear of needles – Whenever I have had to have blood taken or an injection I get myself so worked up I literally shake and cry its completely irrational and something I struggle to control.
A Rat's Tale
I had been away attending an exhibition (MACH 2018)
Get back home and need to go shopping. Start the car and a warning light comes up – Parking sensor failed.
It had not been anywhere and no damage where it was parked – on a drive – so I cancelled the warning.
Stress Free Travel
As a Synchro Team member, I am well-rehearsed in flying and going back and forth across the time zones.
So, allow me to share with you some of my best tips for dealing with issues associated with long travel such as jet lag ..
Welcome back to another blog everyone…
This time of year is always great, a natural trend is for Foundries to start looking into Modules they don’t currently utilize, lots of appointments are made for onsite visits and training, and the Team SWG group I belong to starts a full season of charity events and comic-con appearances, and what better way to start the year of by not one, but TWO appearances in support of our sponsors.
Iron Man & Iron Patriot at Alliant Castings
Tom Renk of Alliant Castings shared these great pictures with us from when they participated in a local special Olympics event last month.
Jean-Marie's drive in South Africa!
Following from my colleague Dan’s drive in the snow, here was mine at the weekend just out for a drive a couple of hours away from home…