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Facing a fear

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I have always had a great fear of needles – Whenever I have had to have blood taken or an injection I get myself so worked up I literally shake and cry its completely irrational and something I struggle to control.

When I was 15 I went to Egypt and it took me 5 attempts to have the jabs! I kept going and walking out! In the end I had to be held down by my mum!

During both my pregnancies I lived in Germany and they insisted on taking my blood at every appointment! So, every 2-4 weeks! And I became really good at coping.

I have always said if I had blood taken daily I would be ok but over time the fear builds back up.

This year I have decided to face this fear head on.

I have registered with DKMS

DKMS is a non-profit advocacy group that works to raise awareness of the need for donors for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which people with blood cancers need for treatment. 

Blood cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer in the UK, with someone being diagnosed every 20 minutes. Only 30% of the blood cancer patients in need of blood stem cell donation find a donor within their family. The rest rely on the odds of finding a match on the UK stem cell registry.

I didn’t have to give blood to become a donor just a simple mouth swab.

I am also planning on giving blood to really face my fear head on.

I will keep you updated on this and if I get a call from DKMS.


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