Superstitions ...
Last week had a Friday the 13th in it and as usual I treated this as just another day at the office, or in this case a day of travelling for me. I was due to catch my first flight at 6am out of a very warm Phoenix airport. I got up at 2:45am, I then showered, dressed, packed and checked out of the hotel. After a brief drive I dropped off my hire car and took the shuttle bus to the airport where I checked in for my flight at about 4:15.
I was at the boarding gate waiting to board when an announcement was made that the boarding would be delayed by 10 minutes as there were maintenance personnel on board resetting some fused on the aircraft. At this point I was not worried at all as I had a 4 hour 20 minute layover in the next airport before my next flight (boy was I optimistic)
2 hours and 4 announcements later the word came out that they had changed fuses, a faulty battery and still there were problems so the departure had been put on a 2 hour rolling delay (translation: They had no idea when the aircraft would be fixed). A this point I joined a long line of people waiting to re-book their flight, after about 45 minutes noting that only 6 people had been re-booked and there was still about 70/80 people in front of me I decided to call the help desk (this is where having premium status really helps) where I got re-booked in about 10 minutes.
The downside to having to get re-booked is that you usually do not get much choice in seats and sure enough I was in a middle seat at the back of the plane for both flights as those of you who travel frequently will know is not really a place you want to be when travelling long distance
HOWEVER I still had to get to the desk to reroute my bag so noting that the line was about the same length as when I left it I decided to go back out of security to the check in desk and sort my bag out there and then go back through security again.
End of the story is departed 7hours 40 minutes late, connected though a different airport and arrived at my destination really, really tired but most importantly of all SAFE.
Simon Adlington
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WEBINAR - Tooling Module (Concluded)
"Are you finding it increasingly difficult to control your tools/patterns?
If so take the time to attend these free webinars"
Tooling within the software refers to patterns, mold boxes, fixtures, calibration instruments, as well as tooling dies. A huge benefit of having metalcasting specific software is that it knows what a tool truly is and how it is used in the operations.