ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Another SYNCHRO ERP Client Making Head Line News

Sarginsons Industries Ltd

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Left to right is David Hayden from Sarginson’s Industries, Tim Squires from Squires Gear Engineering and Saif Arif; each company supported Saif with a final year project.

Sarginsons Industries has used its sand and low pressure casting expertise to help an aerospace student deliver a final year project that pushes the boundaries of aluminium casting and aerospace technology.

Sarginsons Industries was approached by Coventry University student, Saif Arif to sandcast a bell crank component for a control column to connect wings on military Harrier aircraft.

The 23-year-old re-designed the bell crank to demonstrate the component could be stronger and more efficient by hollowing out the product.

Sarginsons has a particular expertise in light-weighting automotive components and came to the student’s aid by designing a solution that allowed a totally hollow aluminium casting to be delivered.

Read the full article here

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