ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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The Pont Aven

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I sailed from the UK to Spain on Brittany Ferry’s ship The Pont Aven. They describe this ship as the ferry lines flag ship.

The 24 hour journey from Portsmouth to Santander was calm even as we sailed through the Bay of Biscay, which is notorious for its rough seas. The French company have very reasonable cabins and the restaurants offer very good French food and wine at reasonable prices. In all the ferry is a pleasant way to travel and the ferry company uses the journey to offer whale watching mini cruises. The ORCA charity group give a demonstration of the types of whales and porpoise that could be in the water below and around us, and suggest ways to spot them during the journey.

 The weather was warm and sunny and with a very gentle breeze.  Sitting on the deck with a cold

beer and a pair of binoculars was a nice way to spend a few hours of journey time.  

I didn’t get to see any whales. But, I did get to watch some common dolphins riding the ships bow wave and they looked to be enjoying it as much as I did seeing them.


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