ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

What’s in a name?

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That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet. A well known quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

One startling thing which I’ve noticed during my years with Synchro is the varied language used by our customers around the globe. While there are the standard differences in terms or pronunciation this can if you’re not careful, sometimes lead to confusion between parties.

Separate from the Pants and trousers to pavement and sidewalk which are fairly well known, talking about software can become a little bit of a minefield when a UK term replaces a US term people are used to dealing with. In some cases it can potentially lead to longer resolution times, or incorrect development if it goes unchecked.

This doesn’t just lend itself to national borders, even within a city one foundry’s term for something may be wildly different to another. We may seem a little picky at times, wanting to ensure that details are screwed down tightly but because of the potential for confusion please do bear with us when we’re asking you to clarify your lifts from your elevators,  your Packslips from your Despnotes, and your Orders from your purchase Orders, we’re only doing it to make sure you get exactly what you need.

If in doubt we will ask!

Jon Mapp

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