ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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School of Athens

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I was probably 13 when I read my first philosophy book, Candide written by Voltaire… since then I’ve read around 200 books, Friedrich Nietzsche being my favorite.

So big is my fascination about the topic that for years and years the wallpaper on my computer was always the school of Athens, a very beautiful painting from Raphael. What is funny is that I never checked where the painting was actually located.

Back in August, after our company AGM, I spent a week with my family in Rome.

During a tour of the Vatican, I accidentally ended up in a very big room and then my son said: ‘look dad, that guy is so tired that he is sitting on the stairs’… When I looked, I was just shocked… The guy that Arthur mentioned is nobody but Aristotle and the painting, yes, was the school of Athens… I wish I had 10 hours to spend simply looking at that and admiring one of my favorite pieces of art ever.

Daniel Alcantara
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    Shane's Blog - February 2017

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    Howdy from Texas where it is mid-February and we are having a false Spring,

    When it comes to computer and network security, I am down right paranoid. So much of our private information is stored across cloud server farms and on our metalcasting and home computers. Every hour we learn of another website that has been hacked. I thought I would devote this month’s blog to keeping your information as safe as can be.

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