ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Sand in my socks!

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Another lap of the sun and another year older for all of us, but namely today the youngest in our family, little Finley Arthur. Finn’s come a long way in his two years and is now speaking in short sentences, but usually starting with “duggee, hey daddy duggee, is duggee daddy, look!”.

In order to spur him on further we have a range of books for him this year, as well as a little wooden construction set and an indoor tuff tray. Loved by parents and builders alike, the tuff tray really helps to keep things tidied together, to this morning there’s been a lot of construction work going on in the front room.

It likely means that I will be finding sand in my socks for the next few weeks (or months) but you never know, it just might be worth it!

Jon Mapp

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