ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Nowhere to go

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Flying in winter season can be quite challenging, but sometimes destiny can exceed all expectations. Coming back from Toronto to Brazil a month ago things looked smooth at first sight; I went through immigration, customs and was relaxing in the lounge waiting for a connecting flight to the USA.

All of a sudden, just like those movies all flights got cancelled or extremely delayed, to a point where a lady from united told me I would probably have to spend another 2 days in Canada due to the storm.

Luckily, after lots and lots (believe me when I say lots) of phone calls and discussions with agents, they found a direct flight to Brazil with only 1 seat available… To cut a long story short, 9 hours later than scheduled I got home safe and sound… I took a picture of the situation; I don’t remember ever seeing so many cancelled flights before…

Daniel Alcantara

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    Now December is a busy month and sometimes gift buying gets left until the last minute. I have gathered together some last-minute gifts that should be easy to get your hands on even if it is Christmas EVE!

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    SYNCHRO ERP Proud to be Platinum Friends of the Plains States AFS Chapter

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    These one time yearly donations will be used to fund the activities of the chapter speakers, governmental affairs, education, etc


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