COVID - 19
A brief update...
A timeline of a pandemic
It was Dec 2019 when I first heard about a possible pandemic, but of course nobody was really worried about that…
Ouro Preto
Richard has entertained us with his tales of his journey through Spain and Portugal so I am going to try and compete and tell of my latest excursion into the hills of Minas Gerais, Brazil, specifically a town called Our Preto (Black Gold).
Your going WHERE?
“Your in charge of date night”…. Six words to fill a husband with dread when uttered by the Wife..
My journey down the border of Spain and Portugal continues...
Salamanca is a city in the North West of Spain near the Portuguese border. It is about 700km from where I live but I managed to do it in a day driving across country and avoiding motorways where possible.
A night I wont easily forget ...
During a very hot dry but blustery night in August 2020. We were woken by smoke from a wild fire blazing outside our home in the Andalusian hills.
The Source of Life
The petrol-heads among us will recall a famous UK Top Gear Special when the (original) team went in search of the source of the Nile. A classic episode of the show...
Happy 4th of July!
We would like to wish all of our friends and customers a very Happy 4th of July 2021...
Artistic Umbrellas
It was a weekend car rally in the village so had the choice of listening to the cars for two days as they race up and down the old road to Malaga or go for Sunday lunch.