ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

The Source of Life

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The petrol-heads among us will recall a famous UK Top Gear Special when the (original) team went in search of the source of the Nile. A classic episode of the show...

Whist this photo shows a rather nice sunset, it also shows you the famous amphitheater escarpment of the Northern Drakensberg but also Mont-aux-Sources on the left side and it is there that some of the most important rivers in South Africa begin their journey to the seas (Indian and Atlantic) bringing life wherever they flow


So, for a few hours at least as I sat contemplating this beautiful scenery, I dreamed I had won the race against 3 motoring experts and done so without damaging my choice of car (A Million Bonus points to me then!)



Until next time



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    Posted on in Blog

    Synchro ERP attended the MACH 2018 show at the NEC in Birmingham. It’s the first time we have been and it is the largest show of its kind in the UK. It’s organised by the Manufacturing Technologies Association.

  • The Tooling Module - Bite Size Taster

    Bite Size - Tooling Module

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    "Are you finding it increasingly difficult to control your tools/patterns?"

    Tooling within the software refers to patterns, mold boxes, fixtures, calibration instruments, as well as tooling dies. A huge benefit of having metalcasting specific software is that it knows what a tool truly is and how it is used in the operations.

    The importance of tooling within the scope of metalcasting operations cannot be over emphasized.

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  • POK


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