ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

Items of interest

It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

  • The Blade of Kansas..

    Posted on in Blog

    From the title of this blog entry you might be expecting a story of a superhero, alas no just us mere mortals….

  • It’s a Bûche, not a log!

    Posted on in Blog

    Special religious festivities whatever the relation always involve the purchase and enjoyment of extra special foods.

  • Congratulations Linda & Tony

    Posted on in NEWS

    We would like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to our very own Linda Beckett who got married on Saturday.

  • An Old Inn

    Posted on in Blog

    A group of us occasionally try and find a restaurant we have not eaten at before.

    Two years ago whilst visiting a small village ( Alfanate in Southern Spain) that was having its cherry festival – Its major income earning crop – I saw an old Inn.

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Posted on in NEWS

    Thanksgiving, which occurs on the fourth Thursday in November, is based on the colonial Pilgrims harvest meal in 1621. The holiday continues to be a day for Americans to gather for a day of feasting, football and family.

  • Alternative Pattern Maker

    Posted on in Blog

    On a recent Customer visit, I was discussing a training topic in a medium sized Sales office when I suddenly noticed that everyone seemed to be having their smartphone very neatly stored on their desk.

  • Lenticularis clouds

    Posted on in Blog

    In southern Spain we can get some dramatic cloud formations and great sunsets.

  • School of Athens

    Posted on in Blog

    I was probably 13 when I read my first philosophy book, Candide written by Voltaire… since then I’ve read around 200 books, Friedrich Nietzsche being my favorite.

  • From a Tree to a Bear

    Posted on in Blog

    I watched as this bear was carved from a tree, with a chainsaw, firstly. Then using various chisels and tools, to get the effect of the fur.

  • Happy Diwali

    Posted on in Blog

    Being a highly spiritual country, festivals are at the heart of people’s lives in India. The numerous and varied festivals that are held throughout the year offer a unique way of seeing Indian culture at its best.


  • POK


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