ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

ICI 70th Annual Technical Conference 2023

Posted on in Past Exhibitions
Synchro ERP are proud to be attending the ICI 70th Annual Technical Conference 2023

13th-16th Aug 2023

Pitsburgh PA

Booth # 325

We hope to see you there.

You can book a private appointment with the team on our Website

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    WEBINAR - Business and Customer Relationship Management Part 3 - Activity log (Concluded)

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    Part three of a four part series exploring the activity logs feature within the new software offering for Email, CRM, and BRM (Customer and Business Relationship Management).

  •  Equipment Maintenance Management

    WEBINAR - Equipment Maintenance Management Module (Concluded)

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    The Equipment Maintenance Management Module (EMMM) has undergone a recent update. This window enables the setting up of a specific calendar for the Equipment Maintenance and is setup in the same fashion as the Company or Process calendars. If a calendar is defined when planning the next maintenance dates SYNCHRO will push the date forward until a working date is reached. If no Maintenance calendar exists, the default system calendar will be used instead.

    If you currently use the Equipment Maintenance Management Module. - you will benefit from the development.

    If you do not currently use the module, this is an opportunity to have a one on one demonstration

    ...and remember this module has no purchase costs, it is free with the All Inclusive Module Suite


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Demonstrations are a taster, an overview, a guide.
A valuable start in assessing your own requirements

They are valuable and free

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