ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Your printing WHAT?

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Hello again everyone, it’s time for another blog from your Support Manager...

As some of you may know, my Birthday came and went in September, and due to a friend within my Trooping group (Team SWG) creating a prop for my armour on a 3D printer, that’s what I decided to get as my Birthday treat.

Now, I have never touched one before, and only had a rudimentary knowledge on how they work, and the different types on offer. Delta, DLP, Mega etc, so after seeking advice from aforementioned friend, I choose the model for me… the Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus.


The printer arrives in kit form, and everything has to put together by yourself… control rods, printer frame, board connections, print head…EVERYTHING. The whole thing took me 5 hours to build, and I found the whole thing a lot of fun, and even better, everything worked perfectly on switch on!


As a complete novice, I was concerned how I would manage to get things made, but even this is extremely easy. A quick program download, and a search for things I wanted to make from an incredible website called Thingiverse, (yes, the children all had a list of things they wanted… ranging from a toy car, a Trophy, to a Cartoon character!) and away I went…. All so easy, and with incredible results from what is now, a relatively cheap item to buy. Go and have a look on Thingiverse.. anything you can think of seems to have been created by some talented people out there.


I’ve since been making new items to go with my armour sets for trooping, and add-ons for board games, and having a whale of a time learning along the way how to improve...


So the moral of the blog… new things can be intimidating, but can turn out to be not only fun to learn, but have lasting benefits… so why try that new module in Synchro you’ve been putting off…. You may just find you have been missing out!..


Until Next time…



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