ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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We‘ll be whizzing down the mountain when we come

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Aah, February half term…. The dreaded post-Christmas week off for children in the UK, ..and its always an odd week to try to fill for them to avoid that feared line “we’re booooored”.

Thankfully, Living in our part of the UK, a walk, picnic or an adventure is never far away, and with so many beautiful natural areas around, the Mini Mahons have developed a love of the outdoors (seriously, I think my Son maybe borderline feral!)

One of those aforementioned areas is North Wales, near enough on our Doorstop, and home to my Wifes family, so off we went towards the end the holiday for a day to visit Great Nan & Great Grandad, ‘Taid’ ( Welsh for Grandad) and Nanna Max… and then, in full tourist mode, off we went to the Great Orme.  The Mahonlings had a great afternoon of conquering the mountain, and whizzing along on the Toboggan run…

A lovely day had by all, and not a mobile phone in sight…

Until next time… may your days be filled with conquered Mountains…

Lee Mahon

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