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Three Peaks Challenge!

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So I will start with a little background. My younger sister Ellie has been very interested in basketball since she was five years old. At six she was signed up to a local basketball club, Redditch Basketball, run by Dave Bradshaw in our local area, he accepted Ellie joining the team however she was much younger and smaller than anyone else. This didn’t stop Ellie she worked hard and attended many training sessions and games, to begin with she may only have played a few minutes when it came to match days, as you can imagine as a little female six year old she was playing with older boys who towered over her. But it didn’t take long before basketball became much more than fun. ..

Years passed by and Ellie stuck to training and being part of the team. News spread and eventually more girls began attending basketball and her game time crept up.

Ellie continued throughout her school life and was moved to the womens team at twelve years old to begin training and playing with the women.

Ellie is now twenty three years old and has acomplished so much. She has coached at Redditch Basketball for serveral years as well as playing and has managed to progress herself to a first team player at division one City of Birmingham Rockets all thanks to Redditch Basketball and Dave Bradshaw who took a chance on a litte six year old.

During covid Redditch Basketball began to struggle financially (as did most) Ellie decided to use some of her spare time to fundraise. Her first fundraiser she ran the length of the Grand Canyon and managed to raise £1200, with this it gave the club a much needed boost to restart once Covid restrictions were lifted. The following year she completed a 24 hour walk raising £900 this money was used to host an awards evening for all Redditch Basketball Players to be recognized for their achievements.

This year being her third fundraiser she decided to raise the bar. Ellie alongside Reegan and Jackie, another two team members they decided to complete the three peaks challenge. For anyone who does not know what this is, it involves climbing the three highest mountains in the UK. They managed to complete this last weekend and have raised £1900 so far for the club to have an awards evening and to ensure membership fee’s do not need to increase during next season keeping the club accessible to all.

If you would like to see how much shes raised so far check out her page below ..

Go Fund Me Page

Ellie has big plans for next years fundraiser already and is planning to swim 3094m (the height of the three mountains climbed this year).


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