ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

Read all about it! AFS!

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At this year’s show we saw a considerable increase in foot fall over any of the shows that we attended last year and when the numbers are published, I am sure AFS will confirm that the numbers were well up on last year.

As usual it was great to see many of our customers at the booth, a significant number of prospects and to talk to many familiar faces.

There were a significant number, much higher than at previous shows, of people that we talked to that said that they had or were just about to make sizeable equipment purchases to increase their manufacturing capacity.

Most of the people that we talked to were also very confident that their levels of business were going up along with their backlogs and some even having to turn down new work to be able to maintain their levels of service.

A big thank you to everyone that we talked to for taking the time to come and see us and we wish everyone who attended all the best and look forward to seeing them at future shows.

Chris, Simon & Dan

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    Posted on in Blog

    Perhaps the Sydney equivalent of this is to go to the beach – Bondi beach. The name is very well known. Bondi was originally ‘’Boondi’’ which is an aboriginal word which describes the meaning as the noise made by sea waves breaking on the beach.

  • Upbeat AFS Texas Meeting

    Posted on in NEWS

    Howdy from Texas,

    I’m just back from the January 2017 AFS, American Foundry Society, meeting at the Sam Houston Horse Race Track; in Houston, none the less!

    It is always so good to catch up with fellow metalcasters that embody the spirit of the AFS and continue the long historical legacy of turning liquid metal into castings! The turnout for the board and general meeting was better than expected and in the end, it turned out to be a large crowd of approximately seventy members.


  • POK


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