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How Fast Can a Pea Grow?

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In these difficult and worrying times a bit of levity.

Time to think about growing vegetables for this year?

Put some Peas in a pot and keep them moist.  One thing I love about Peas is that if you buy  some dried peas from a supermarket just soak them overnight and then plant – nature being so clever lets them germinate.

Within a week or so the shoots are showing and away we go.  I wondered how fast they grow – I think Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world which can grow at around a yard a day which equates to 0.00002 miles per hour.  For those of you who prefer metric that’s around 91cm or 0.00003 kilometres per hour.

So from 9am when the first pea shoot appeared it grew 1.57 inches in 11 days. I calculate that is

0.0000009 miles per hour

It’s now over a foot high and spreading its tendrils out in the vegetable patch!

Keep smiling, stay safe.

Richard Nolan

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