Gordon the gecko!
Gordon as we named him, had decided to take up residence in our spare bedroom last spring. We only noticed the odd glimpse of tail disappearing behind the wardrobe or wall mounted mirror. He was not bothering us and seemed to be keeping the fly and moth numbers in the house to a minimum. But, we decided although we didn’t mind him being there. We really could not expect our guests to share the room with him!
We tried various ways to tempt him out, but to no effect.
We did eventually manage to scoop him up with a hand broom and dustpan then into a shoebox. We released him unharmed in the plants around the patio.
Now, if we see a similar sized gecko around this area. We hope that is our little Gordon.
Linda Beckett
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Demostración del módulo de Control de Herramentale
Esta es una visión general del módulo de Control de Herramentales.
Herramentales en la Industria metalúrgica se refiere a moldes, cajas de Corazones, modelos de investment, etc. En general, una herramienta dentro del software es reutilizable y se utiliza en la fabricación de piezas de fundición. Póngase en contacto con una persona de apoyo para obtener información adicional sobre la mejor manera de configurar Herramentales. Gracias por su atención
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