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Do we Go Imperial Part 2 ..

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Following the last Blog on measurement of length


1 square foot = 144 inches = 0.09 sq metres

1 square yard = 9 sq feet = 0.836 sq metre

1 Rood = ¼ of an acre = 1,210 sq yards = 40 sq poles. It is a rectangle that is one furlong in length and one Rod in width. A rod is 5.5 yards long and the area enclosed covers 40 perches. A perch is therefore a square rod. 

1 Acre = 4 roods = 10 sq chains = 4,840 sq yards ( about the size of a football pitch). Estimated to be the amount of land that could be tilled by one man and one ox in a day. Traditionally an acre was long and narrow ( ie not square) as it was difficult to turn a plough.

The previous blog mentioned furlongs and chains.  I have found that a furlong (which also means the length of a furrow) is the distance a team of oxen could plough without resting.

1 Hectare = approx. 2.5 acres

Virgate = 30 acres. The virgate was estimated to be the amount of land a team of oxen could plough in a single ploughing season

Hide = 4 virgates ( Its origins lie in the amount of land sufficient to support a family)

A square mile = 640 acres

Confused – join the club

Richard Nolan

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