ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Australia you've been amazing!

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Perth - The last day – almost.

You can go down the swan river about 20km to Fremantle and then out to a small Island – Rottnest. On the way we were part of an exercise by the Australian SAS who were practising/training how to get close to a moving vessel.

Rottnest has no traffic and is home to a small animal – the Quokka – a small cat sized marsupial. 

The island is host to about 12,000 of them but they are protected and you are asked not to touch or feed them.

The island is small – about 15km long and at its widest 4km.   It is possible to stay in chalets on the island. The best way of getting around is to hire a bike – and off you go.

Around every twist and turn of your bike road is a beach – and then another one – and they are all just beautiful. You can swim and snorkel. At the West end of the island you can see whales – they come up from the Antarctic to breed

I didn’t see any whales but the chance to see the island at the edge of the Indian Ocean was just magic. 20km of bike riding good for me as well!!

Australia – It’s been a journey, but a really good one.

Until next time!

Richard Nolan

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