ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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Shane's Blog - August 2016

August 2016

Posted on in Blog
What a Wonderful World!

Howdy from East Texas. Daniel Alcântara, our Training and Implementation Manager based out of the Brazilian office, were just discussing something and he mentioned “What a Wonderful World”. Now, I can’t get the most outstanding song by the legend Louis Armstrong out of my mind. So, that’s how the title of this BLOG came to be.

What a wonderful world we live in and to be alive at this point in history.  I was born in the early 1960’s, so last century J, that I have witnessed and been a part of the transformation of technology.  We still may not be living and playing golf on the moon at the Lunar Hilton, and are not flying around in jet cars or jumping around with jet packs, but the silicon diode has certainly made the world an interesting place.  Hey, silicon, that’s sand right?  That’s the magic stuff used in the metalcasting industry for sand molds and cores and other applications!

Growing up in the sixties and seventies, there was 2001: A Space Odyssey in which flat computer monitors and TV screens were shown along with the talking and listening HAL 9000 super computer and all communications were interconnected with something like the internet.   Harbingers of the future also included the TV series Get Smart where Maxwell Smart, Agent 86, had a shoe phone, and of course the Dick Tracy comic strip with his 2 way wrist radio.   

For my recent birthday, I purchased an Android smart watch on a whim.  I generally do not make impulse purchases, but, what the heck, it was my birthday.  I happened to be at a local big box retailer and I had looked at the smart watches before, and I just took the plunge.  So, I still may not teeing off at the 18th hole on the moon, but I now have a cell phone on my wrist.  What is so great about the smart phone is that it is a complete mobile phone stand alone from my regular mobile phone.  My mobile phone can be at the house and I can be on the moon taking my dog Wyatt Earp for a walk and still receive phone calls and messages on my wrist with the same phone number!

The APP’s for the smart watch are growing rapidly with airlines, web retailers, brick and mortar retailers, content providers and so forth entering the market.  I have a NEST smart thermostat at the house and am hoping for a NEST APP for my smart watch, as well as APP’s like viewing the security webcams at my house, real time weather radar, etc.

At SYNCHRO ERP, we are leading the technology field with APP’s for tablets.  Information drives decisions and courses of action.  The more relevant information management and workers have access to in real time, the better things run at the end of the day.  This is not the, GIGO, garbage-in – garbage-out mantra, but pertinent-in - pertinent–out, PIPO, or even input information as “silver” and output information as “gold”.  SIGO.

Please contact any member of the Global SYNCHRO ERP team for information on the Enterprise APP for metalcasting  and to arrange a demonstration.

Perhaps one day we will have an APP for smart watches!

Until next time, be safe, and I will see you on down the road.


Shane Allen

Head of SYNCHRO ERP North American Operations

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