ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

Always learning

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Back safe and warm in Synchro Towers after a trip up to my old hometown of Worcester for a four day training course. Over in the support team we don't have the life on the road of our Global Training and Implementation Team, and leaving the family at home to head out can be tough, but it's vital to keep up to date with the current standards and features.

Like most industries, the hardware and software which Synchro requires to run are constantly evolving, and all of the Synchro team take great pains to keep our knowledge up to date. The latest course here covered SQL Server and programmability which are the backbone of the software for many of our customers. 

It was an interesting four days, and after catching up on the basics from the previous course we covered a lot of new material and got to know some fine folks form different companies around the UK. 

Coming home and back to the wife and kids is always welcome, but I'm already looking at the next course to keep up with the latest trends and technology. When was the last time you took the time to make sure your training was up to date? Maybe it's time you took a look at it today...

Jon Mapp

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    Shane's Blog - October 2016

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    Making Sure You are in the Right Jungle

    Coveyism, borrowed from the late great Dr. Stephen R. Covey of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Principle Centered Leadership.

    If you want a clear understanding of the difference between management and leadership imagine the scene: someone going through the jungle with a machete cutting the undergrowth clearing it up. There are the producers down there, see, the workers. Here all the managers are, back here sharpening the machetes for them, putting on muscle development classes for machete wielders, setting up working schedules for machete wielders, handling jurisdictional disputes between machete wielders. The leader climbs the tallest tree in the jungle, surveys the entire scene, studies the larger picture and screams out “Wrong jungle” and all the managers shout back: Shut up we are making progress.1

    Through BRM and CRM, your metalcasting operations will always be making progress in the right jungle through improved communications and expanded relationships.

  • Jean-Marie visits Indo - MIM

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    Jean - Marie has been visiting one of our new customers for implementation this week


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