5 Ideas to help ease Lock Down
Life is not as we know it right now and we are all facing new challenges.
For me I have had to become a teacher to 3 children as well as managing my normal job, this has required organisation and planning. I am also very conscious not to push too hard and make sure that the children are having fun while learning! It’s a tough time for our children too not being able to see friends and go to school and also worrying about the unknown fear around them in this world they are not used to.
In order to support my children I have to make sure I am OK too and I thought I would share a few things I have been doing to promote my own well being at this time – I hope It may help you ..
1) Take Time for yourself!
Each day I make sure I take some time out on my own, this may be a bath in peace or a 20 mins in the garden alone listening to the birds. It doesn’t need to be long but some time for your own thoughts is valuable.
2) Fresh Air and Exercise!
Every day we, as a whole family, make sure we have some form of fresh air and exercise. We go for a walk, bike ride, play in the garden or take part in an online exercise class.
Research shows that getting fresh air affects the levels of serotonin that make us feel good about ourselves.
Benefits of getting some fresh air:-
Good for lungs and skin
Improves blood pressure and heart rate
Relieves stress and anxiety
Makes you happier and energetic
Strengthens the immune system.
3) Listen to music!
Music makes you feel good! We love having music on in the afternoon while preparing tea or in the background while playing a game together.
Benefits of listening to good music include:-
Improves mental focus
Soothes and relaxes blood vessels
Makes you happier
Reduces stress levels
4) Drink Water!
Yep this simple thing makes you feel so much better, It’s easy to grab another brew or coffee and sometimes when that afternoon fatigue is setting in you feel you need to grab that coffee but try going for a large glass of cold water instead you will be amazed when it gives you the same pick me up as a coffee!
Benefits of drinking water:
Re hydrates your body
Flushes out toxins
Improves metabolism
Increases brain power
Boosts the immune system
5) Try New things!
You may think this is difficult while being confined to your own home, however it can be something really small like trying a new genre of book than you would normally read, have a look at some online courses, try a new recipe, play a new game.
Going back to my children my youngest has learnt to ride his bike and tie his shoelaces! This has given him a huge confidence boost and made him proud of himself.
Benefits of attempting new things:-
Makes life more exciting
Brings you out of your comfort zone
Good for brain and mental strength
Makes you more confident and courageous
Sense of accomplishment
The most important thing for everyone at this time is to keep talking, keep in touch with people, ring your family, video call if you can, talk to your household members and make sure everyone is OK.
Victoria Mahon
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