Demonstration De Especificaciones De Metales Y Aleaciones
Esta demonstración va a demonstrar funcionalidades importantes metalúrgicas en el sistema, en la creación y configuración de las especificaciones de los metales y fórmulas como de carbón equivalente, etc. Este es el primer de una serie de 4 demonstraciones, las próximas son Control de Horno, Trazabilidad de lotes y Certificación.
Are you a “smart foundry?”
56th International Foundry Conference
Held in Slovenia it highlighted the impact of:-
‘’Industry 4.0 – the fourth industrial revolution –will alter and shape our work, social and physical environment along with how we live and co-exist’’
WEBINAR - Batch Analysis and Trace-ability (Concluded)
This webinar focuses on the batch analysis and trace-ability. This is the third in a series of four webinars focusing on metallurgical properties within the software suite. Participants should have attended or viewed the prior webinars on Target Specifications and Formulas and Furnace Control. The follow-on webinar will focus on Analysis Documents (CofA, CofC & CofO)
Read the latest News from one of SYNCHRO ERP's South African Customers
Just over a year ago Umgeni Iron Works was acquired by Malvern Engineering Works, a South African general engineering company servicing the mining industry and Minco Tech an, an Australian based mineral processing and mining equipment manufacturing company based in Newcastle NSW, in a 50/50 joint venture.
WEBINAR - Furnace Control (Concluded)
This webinar focuses on the setup of furnaces, ladles, and furnace control. This is the second in a series of four webinars focusing on metallurgical properties within the software suite. Participants should have attended or viewed the prior webinar on Target Specifications and Formulas.
Shane's Blog - September 2016
Howdy once again from Texas where it’s blazing hot, so hot they are melting iron in the parking lot and the local pancake house is cooking eggs on the hoods of cars! What the heck, one wouldn’t expect anything else in Texas this time of the year other than lack of rain and excessive heat. Myself, I’ll take the heat over the cold anytime as we have chilled air in Texas!
SYNCHRO ERP’s global implementation manager was recently flying from Seattle to Newark and I tracked the flight using the wonders of the Wild West Web. Sometimes we just need to sit back and reflect on all the wonders of what the internet has brought to us. Not that long ago, if one wanted a flight status; the only option was to call the airline. Today, with all of the interconnectivity of the “dots” everything is seemingly in real time.
WEBINAR - Target Specifications and Formula's (Concluded)
This webinar focuses on the important metallurgical functionalities of the software of setting up target specifications and creating specification formulas for the likes of carbon equivalency.
This is a foundation webinar for three proceeding webinars:
Furnace Control
Batch Analysis & Trace-ability
Analysis Documents (CofA, CofC & CofO) -
On Demand Demo - #3 Tooling Master Module
The tool master is the central repository for all things related to the production of a part through the use of reusable components such as patterns, core boxes, permanent molds, investment casting molds, and such things as trim dies, dead-heads, and rider or adapter plates.
Tooling is all about the tracking the life of the tooling, inspecting, controlling the movements, cost of the tooling including on-going costs through movement and repairs, revisions, and CAR’s or Problems.
With the introduction of the maintenance management equipment module several years ago, calibration and other quality instruments are typically now defined within that module.
On Demand Demo - #2 Customer Master Module
The customer master module forms the basis within the software suite of recording information related to your customers so that quotes can be produced, sales orders entered, invoices sent to the correct address and the castings be shipped to the correct address, among other important functions.
Demostración del módulo de cliente
Los clientes son, por supuesto, esenciales para cualquier negocio y para que sus operaciones puedan hacer dinero es imperativo mantener a ellos contentos. El Mantenimiento de las áreas importantes para su cliente es clave del éxito, para esto Synchro te ofrece la capacidad de mantener su cliente sobre el estatus de los pedidos, y por supuesto el rendimiento de los tiempos de entrega.